is a writer from Las Vegas. His writing has appeared in The Believer, Reverse Shot, Bright Wall/Dark Room, Vulture, and Film Comment, among other publications. He is a columnist at Gawker.
Seen from the vantage point of the present, any film with the barest hint of a quarantine narrative can only remind its audience of the COVID...
March 22, 2024
David Gordon Green continues his assault on beloved horror franchises with a new Exorcist that only heightens the glory of Friedkin’s original.
October 13, 2023
A deep dive into the world of James Wan and Leigh Whannell’s Insidious, one of the more complex, mystically minded horror franchises, which 13 years in closes on an unexpected high note.
February 1, 2022 (updated July 11, 2023)
is a writer, photographer, videographer, and cinephile living in Portland, Oregon.