Blue Beard

Blue Beard is a glutton. He likes food and female orifices, in that order, which doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a major thing for the latter in this early 1901 French-film dazzler by Georges Méliès.

The Phantom Carriage

If ever a film’s reputation preceded it, Victor Sjöström’s The Phantom Carriage is that film. On more than one occasion, Charlie Chaplin called it the best motion picture ever made, and in a 1924 interview he deemed Sjöström “the greatest director in the world.”


There is a particular allure to the silent horror movie—the sense that, as a viewer, you haven’t merely stumbled upon something but perhaps you’ve unearthed it.

The Unknown

Unfairly remembered more for his staggering innovations with makeup than for his equally staggering dramatic skills, Lon Chaney is the absent father of horror cinema.