is the author of eight books, including the story collection, If You [ ]: Fabula, Fantasy, F**kery, Hope, a 33 1/3 volume on Sam Cooke’s Live at the Harlem Square Club, 1963, Meatheads Say the Realest Things: A Satirical (Short) Novel of the Last Bro, and a book about 1951’s Scrooge as the ultimate horror film. His work has appeared in Harper’s, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, Vanity Fair, The Daily Beast, Cineaste, Film Comment, Sight and Sound, JazzTimes, The New Yorker, The Guardian, and many other venues. He’s completing a book called And the Skin Was Gone: Essays on Works of Horror Art. His website is, where he maintains the Many Moments More journal, which, at 2.7 million words and counting as of autumn 2023, is the longest sustained work of literature in history.

The person-changing experience of walking in on Tod Browning’s Dracula.

June 19, 2024

Walpurgis Night and the spell cast by 1960’s The City of the Dead.

April 30, 2024

A break from traditional Christmas fare with 1945’s Strange Confession, and the coming together of assorted heads.

December 22, 2023

The holiday-enlivened monster that is Halloween III: Season of the Witch.

October 31, 2023

Walpurgis Night and the spell cast by 1960’s The City of the Dead.

April 30, 2024

A break from traditional Christmas fare with 1945’s Strange Confession, and the coming together of assorted heads.

December 22, 2023

Katie Small

is a writer, photographer, videographer, and cinephile living in Portland, Oregon.